Voting is now open in Another Europe is Possible’s internal elections, and closes at 23:59 on Monday 7 February.
There are 16 places up for election, 8 of which are reserved for self-defining women.
All members of Another Europe can vote in these elections. If you are a member, you will have received an email from OpaVote with the voting information. If you are not a member and would like to join in order to vote, you can do so here.
The candidates
Bryan Andrews
I am passionate about the EU – the greatest peace project ever created. I believe freedom of movement is a great achievement and will campaign for individual EU citizenship to be granted to British people for a fee. My career was as a marketing consultant and innovative originator of ideas. Currently I lead Creativity Workshops. I believe my experience will be valuable to Another Europe. The Remain campaign was doomed as it had no passion and never celebrated the joys and positive benefits of being a member. I will work to call out politicians who ignore the damage that Brexit is doing by not criticising Brexit and I will help Another Europe become a strong voice unafraid to expose the idiocy of Brexit or to express passion for Europe. I will work to help to restore a conviction that the UK will rejoin and become a great contributor to the EU.
Shaista Aziz
I’m seeking to be voted back on to the NC to build our anti-racism campaign work and especially our campaigns on migrant and refugee rights, women’s and LGBQTI+ rights, Islamophobia and work to get the racist Nationality and Borders Bill thrown out of the Lords. I have strong campaigns and communications skills that I will bring to the NC along with my intersectional analysis of politics and systems of oppression harming all of us. I firmly believe in internationalism and building solidarity and movements across borders.
Martin Torbjörn Bentley
I am a Unison trade Union steward in Wales, I am also a local community councillor.
I am the son of an immigrant (hence that Norse middle name) and have gone through the experience of being an immigrant in the United States. I believe strongly that a society should be judged by how it treats those outside of it, and I want to live in a Europe that shows concern and care for the whole world; not become an insular Fortress Europe.
Graham Campbell
I am SNP National Executive Committee BAME Convener and Co-Convener of SNP Socialists – the party’s internationalist left. SNP Socialists has worked well with AEIP for 5 years. I believe that my perspective will be a valuable addition to the workings of AEIP National Committee representing Scotland – the nation most opposed to Brexit and its impact . As one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter Scotland in 2020 I’m keen to support the principled anti-racist internationalist left in England and Wales too.
During the upcoming Independence referendum campaign AEIP will need to show solidarity for Scotland’s right to self-determination to rejoin the EU. AEIP’s campaign to reverse Brexit down south requires fundamental change to the Westminster/Whitehall power structure – and that’s best served by AEIP ultimately backing Scotland’s referendum on independence. By electing me you will ensure the NC is well informed about Scotland during the IndyRef campaign.
Luke Cooper
I am a co-founder of Another Europe Is Possible asking for your support to continue my work with the organisation in the year ahead. Over the last year, I’ve led a number of new projects. I set up an academic advisory group for the campaign, wrote a report on the problems with Boris Johnson’s hard Brexit deal and also acted as editor of the project. I’ve also continued to co-host the podcast.
It’s not an easy time to be a left Remainer. But there are signs that the situation is now moving back in our favour. In the year ahead, we need an NC resisting the government’s authoritarianism, promoting peace and international solidarity across borders, and offering an alternative to hard Brexit. The path back to EU membership is a long one but we have taken big strides along it – and can quicken our pace in the year ahead.
Zoe Gardner
A founding member of Another Europe, I’ve been on the National Committee since the start and want to continue working with this excellent group of people pushing forward the radical, compassionate, internationalist politics that we so desperately need.
A migration policy expert and passionate campaigner for the rights of all migrants and all refugees in the UK and across Europe, if elected I am especially keen to continue to build on the strong links that we have with similar organisations and movements fighting racism and closed borders. Regardless of Brexit, we will only achieve a better approach to human rights and migrant justice together with other countries.
After another hard year for leftist politics, Another Europe brings me hope. It’s a space where we fearlessly make the case for the world we want to see. I hope to continue this work, fighting for a better year in 2022 and beyond.
Derek Germon
As a committed European I believe that our democracy and human rights need defending, now more than ever. As Brexit’s failures only get more apparent day by day, our populist corrupt Tory government lashes out at easy targets. By contrast I think AEIP is a great organisation reflecting my belief in internationalism, solidarity with oppressed peoples across borders, peace and democracy. It’s vital to defeat populism and nationalism and take urgent action on the climate crisis to reverse the obvious havoc these ills are wreaking on our societies.
I’ve been a member of the Labour party since 2010 and am a former secretary of my local branch; and firmly believe the party should be resolutely internationalist, defend rights of workers and trade unions; fight Islamophobia and transphobia. If elected I will do my utmost to help ensure AEIP is as resolute and effective as possible in fighting for these values.
Mary Kaldor
I joined Another Europe is Possible in May 2016 and have been a member of the national committee and the executive committee for most of the time since then. I am very committed to pan European civic action ever since the 1980s when I was involved in the dialogue between the West European peace movement and East European human rights groups.
I think reform of the European Union including enhanced civic participation, greater democratisation and a green new deal is critical for the possibility of addressing contemporary global risks. My academic work is about conflict and security and I am keen to push for a foreign and defence policy based on human security both for the UK and the EU.
Natacha Kennedy
I am a trans woman academic and I have been pro EU for as long as I can remember. I am currently a Labour Party member and co-chair of the academic network; Feminist Gender Equality Network and a trustee for London LGBT charity, Forum+. I am a founder member of Rainbow Rose which is the LGBT+ socialist/social democrat LGBT group in Europe.
Dave Levy
I am standing for re-election to the AEIP National Committee.
Please vote for me
• I have the campaigning and professional experience to help it become what it needs to be.
• I am a Londoner and Labour Party member
• The EU is a lifelong commitment to me.
• I have led the NC’s input to the Conference on the Future of Europe. I am ensuring our priorities of equal citizenship and freedom of movement is prioritised and improved.
• We need to put Brexit’s failure on the Parliamentary Agenda and to build mass popular support; AEIP is the best instrument for doing that.
• I have expertise in macroeconomics, cyber security and industrial innovation.
• I believe that the EU is a project for peace, it’s been too often forgotten.
• AEIP needs to continue to campaign for a better Britain.
See also my blog,
Joseph O’Toole
Hello! I’m Joseph, a maths student from Rugby, studying and working in Bath.
I believe that any progressive future will be led by the pro-European left, and that Another Europe should be a major, thriving centre of grassroots organising against austerity, bigotry, nationalism, and authoritarianism.
To advance the excellent existing campaigns and our future capabilities, I think we need a focus on expanding and involving our membership. If we’re going to succeed in our battles, it’ll only be because we’ve grown and organised to bring the full force of European socialism to protest, direct action and international solidarity.
I’ve previously managed social media and given talks to CLPs for Labour for a New Democracy campaign – I’m eager to contribute whatever skills, time and ideas I can to help our movement reach its potential.
Please contact me with any questions at, and consider ranking me!
Ana Oppenheim
I volunteered with Another Europe since its early days and was a staff member for 3 years.
I’m a Labour and Momentum member and co-founded the Labour Campaign for Free Movement. I believe one of Another Europe’s key tasks is making the socialist case for free movement and migrant rights; organising with others against current attacks on migrants and campaigning for a radical alternative.
I have also been active in solidarity campaigns led by the Polish diaspora in the UK. Among other things, I helped organise protests for abortion rights, and I’m proud that Another Europe has been involved. I want AEIP to stay involved in international solidarity struggles and keep building links with the European and global left.
Lastly, I submitted the motion on transphobia to our last members conference and I’m keen to make sure Another Europe is outspoken on LGBTQ+ rights in the UK and abroad.
John Palmer
Now more than ever, the need for a stronger, more integrated, more democratic, greener and more radical Social Europe is greater than ever. It is a key part of how the present drift to authoritarianism and war in Europe and elsewhere can be reversed. We need first and foremost to magnify the voices and social movements throughout Europe and beyond who campaign with us for these goals.
Laura Parker
Another Europe sustains my hope in radical, progressive, inclusive politics; it was a privilege to be part of the 2021 National Committee. I want to continue supporting AE to build networks of international solidarity, defend human rights and combat rising authoritarianism in the UK – a phenomena deeply connected to the racist Brexit project, about which AE’s analysis has always been clear.
A committed pluralist, as well as internationalist, I am currently helping run the Labour for a New Democracy campaign for electoral reform. I hope this and my other experience as an NGO leader and campaigner – including as the former National Coordinator of Momentum – as well as my previous work as a European Commission official will enable me to carry on contributing to the development of AE and support its fantastic staff team. Originally from Yorkshire I am married to an Italian and currently living in northern Italy.
Andrea Pisauro
I can proudly say I was one of the founding members of Another Europe is Possible back in 2016 and I supported AEIP activities throughout the years organising and supporting events and initiatives both when I was living in Scotland and in England. As a leading activist within the Italian progressive community in the UK, I helped AEIP connect to the Italian left in the UK, in Brussels and in Italy, something I commit to keep doing in the future.
I am currently co-cordinating the pan European campaign “Europe for Scotland” which asks EU leaders to offer Scotland positive terms should it wish to rejoin the EU as an independent country. I support Scotland’s right to choose its own future post-Brexit as well as other efforts to reverse Brexit across the UK. If elected, I‘ll work to harmonise “Europe for Scotland’s” goals within AEIP’s strategy and vice-versa.
Erwin Schaefer
Current non-voting Green Left rep. on the NC, Green Party ‘EU policy working group’ participant, European Green Party delegate.
We need to keep all existing avenues open and in best possible shape to enable passionate progressive internationalist-minded people to push back the current regressive policies being implemented. AEIP makes an important contribution as a cross-party organisation by offering tools to dispel the reigning tragic information amnesia. In the same vein, brexit was a calculated manipulation to benefit a right-wing agenda and while the dire consequences are becoming clear, there is still a struggle to find a coherent and unified progressive voice that is heard and shared widely.
As a full NC member I commit to helping to ensure AEIP remains a strong and respected voice and to help formulate a strategy for Britain to again be a credible partner with a progressive international outlook.
Terence Seymour
I believe that we need to get back in the EU for jobs, especially for disabled people. By being in the EU community we can apply for funding to support disabled people back to work.
Cat Villiers
A longtime supporter of AEIP, 2021 was my first on the National Committee. Despite all the challenges of last year, and alongside inspiring and committed NC members, we continued to create important spaces for dialogue and protest, including: Islamophobia in the UK, and Europe; the ongoing threat to refugees and migrants, compounded by the Nationality and Borders bill; the urgent global call for Climate Justice … these represent just a few of the actions and issues that AEIP highlighted, along with other key initiatives.
In these darkening times, our social, economic and political systems are under pressure from within as never before, and from without by global inequity and severe environmental events. As a filmmaker, activist and NC member I want to continue to take action for change.
Tom Walker
As a member of Another Europe is Possible since the beginning, through the referendum and all that followed, I have focused mainly on design and website tools, as well as questions of strategy. Right now, we face the challenge of reorienting once again, with far greater potential for street movements in 2022 combined with the weakening position of Boris Johnson and the Tory government.
I believe Another Europe must prepare for, and continue to participate in, a ‘long wave’ of struggle which can get rid of Johnson this year, get rid of the Tories by mid-decade and then get rid of Brexit itself by the end of the 2020s. Each of these victories flows from the one before it, by building movements, winning arguments and mobilising the next generation. Brexit is inextricable from the wider project of Tory authoritarianism – we can resist it all, and we can win.
Julie Ward
I’ve been actively campaigning with Another Europe Is Possible since before the 2016 referendum. As a former Labour MEP 2014-20 I’m connected to an extensive network of progressive European organisations with whom we MUST continue to work. I was a member of the European Parliament Committees for Culture & Education, Women’s Rights & Gender Equality, Regional Development and Monetary Affairs. I also had responsibility for relations with Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo and continue my work in the Balkans via organisations such as Freja Forum.
I’ve been an active member of the NC for 2 years, e.g. bringing Roma voices into our conversations. I’m a member of Goldsmiths Law Dept ‘Britain in Europe’ think-thank and contributed to a policy briefing on immigration. I write, edit, proofread – useful skills! I’m a child rights campaigner with a particular focus on unaccompanied minors. I’m currently campaigning against the new women’s detention centre in Durham.
27th January 2022