Another Europe Is Possible is urging all our supporters to email your MP to urge them to sign Geraint Davies MP’s Early Day Motion, calling for the terms of exit to be decided by informal negotiation then put to a referendum before Art. 50 is invoked.
We think it’s wrong that the terms of the UK’s exit from the EU should be decided by Boris Johnson or Theresa May and a bunch of backroom advisors. The British people should have the chance to vote on the terms of the UK’s exit and, if we reject those terms, to remain in the EU.
This isn’t a re-run of the last referendum, it’s about holding our government to account when they negotiate a deal that could trade away workers’ rights, environmental protections, free movement and human rights.
If we wait until Article 50 has been invoked then we have no choice but to leave in two years regardless of the terms (if we reapply to join in that period we will be treated like a new member and our application could be vetoed by another EU state). That is why Another Europe Is Possible is urging all our supporters to email their MP to urge them to sign Geraint Davies MP’s Early Day Motion, calling for the terms of exit to be decided by informal negotiation then put to a referendum before Art. 50 is invoked.
The EDM (number 243) can be found here.
You can write to your local MP here.
We have included a suggested text for your email, if you’re short on time, you can just copy and paste it across then fill in the blanks.
As your constituent, I am writing to ask you to support Geraint Davies’s EDM 243, which calls for a referendum on the EU exit package.
I voted Remain in the referendum and was very disappointed about the result, particularly in terms of how it will hit our economy and the most vulnerable. Recent events show that the UK was not prepared for such a shock, and many people who voted Leave are regretting their decision – up to 1.1 million according to a Mail on Sunday poll. You will also be aware that over 4 million people have signed a Parliamentary petition for a second referendum.
Regardless of the legitimacy of the first referendum, I believe we should have a second on the exact terms of the UK exit package. Recent reports suggest that Brussels, Berlin and Paris might put forward a deal that would either severely damage the UK economy, or force the UK to maintain free movement of labour. This is not what people voted for, and therefore a referendum on this exit package, with the option of remaining in the EU, is the only democratic way forward. This is the course of action put forward in EDM 243.
Please let me know soon if you have signed it, and if so, please circulate to other MPs to do likewise.
Best wishes,
30th June 2016