THURSDAY 28 APRIL / 6.30pm BST/ 7.30pm CET

France is at the brink of a popular extreme right party winning the presidential elections. With the left and green vote split in the first round, the French presidential run-offs are now dominated by politicians from the centre- and far-right.
Both Macron and Le Pen have fanned the flames of racism and Islamophobia as a key part of their electoral strategy. The most popular left candidate, Mélenchon, narrowly missed the threshold by a few hundred thousand votes. What brought us to this point? What lessons can be learned?
We’re hosting an online Zoom event featuring commentary and analysis of the election result live from France with:
Monia Bouguerra, a French teacher, activist, anti-racism and anti-islamophobia campaigner.
Bernard Dreano, chairperson of the CEDETIM in Paris (Centre d’études et d’initiatives de solidarité internationale)
Bouna Eddine, a member of the United Front of Immigrations and working Class Neighborhoods (FUIQP) an organization based in France and dedicated to fighting racial, class-based and gender-based oppression.
Watch the recording of the event here:
22nd April 2022