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New Labour motion: Stop Brexit – transform Britain and Europe

A new motion for local Labour parties, released in early April 2019.

Another Europe is a proudly cross-party campaign, but many of our supporters are in Labour and we work to push Labour policy. This motion is for local Labour Party branches, cosponsored with Labour for a Socialist Europe. You should submit it to the secretary of your local CLP or Ward.

If you have passed a motion or are submitting this motion, please let us know at

Stop Brexit – transform Britain and Europe

A million people marched against Brexit on 23 March, with thousands at the high-profile Left Bloc feeder rally whose sponsors included the new ‘Love Socialism Hate Brexit’ group of left MPs. More than six million have signed the petition to revoke Article 50.

Brexit will mean a victory for the nationalist right, a licence for further austerity and attacks on migrants. But it can be stopped – if Labour throws itself into the fight.

Labour should actively and publicly campaign for a confirmatory public vote and for ‘remain’. We should support the revocation of Article 50 in order to prevent No Deal or give the time necessary to hold a public vote.

We call for an urgent special conference so that members’ and affiliates’ representatives can clearly decide our policy and plans and orient the party, collectively and democratically.

Our opposition to Brexit does not mean supporting the status quo, in Britain or Europe. We want to ‘Remain and transform’.

We call for free movement and migrants’ rights to be extended, not curtailed: we oppose ‘Fortress Britain’ and ‘Fortress Europe’. We restate conference 2018’s call for “a radical government: taxing the rich to fund public services, expanding common ownership, abolishing the anti-union laws and engaging in massive public investment”. We want an international alliance of labour movements and left parties seeking, at a minimum, to push back the nationalist right, defend migrants, reverse austerity, level up rights and living standards, and democratise European institutions.

We call for the European elections to go ahead and a ‘Remain and transform’ Labour campaign on this basis.

We also resolve to sponsor a public meeting with members of the Love Socialism Hate Brexit group of MPs.

2nd April 2019