Chris Grayling lets the cat out of the bag
Leave campaigners want to dump workers' rights to make UK 'more competitive'
Leave campaigners want to dump workers' rights to make UK 'more competitive'
Last Thursday Caroline Lucas addressed an audience at the London School of Economics discussing "The European Union: friend or foe of progressive politics?"
Calls for 'Europe of solidarity, workers' rights and environmental justice' ahead of tonight's Question Time appearance
General secretary, Tim Roache, says a social Europe, not leaving the EU, is the workers' answer
A wide range of MPs and campaigners have signed this letter in support of the campaign in the Guardian newspaper.
Spain's Podemos party condemns Cameron's renegotiation
Now is the time to stand up for the principle of non-discrimination for EU citizens
Sanjiv Sachdev of Philosophy Football reports on the launch of Another Europe Is Possible
Cameron doesn't just want a less equal Britain. His renegotiation is trying to win a less equal Europe too
‘The progressive case for staying in the EU’
Social media condemns French Prime Minister Manuel Valls. Another Europe backs social media
Jeremy Corbyn has asserted the need for a 'real social Europe' that works in the interests of ordinary people