Now online: European Citizens’ Initiative – Retaining EU citizenship

You might be able to keep your EU citizenship. We just need to gather a million signatures...

Another Europe is Possible is proud to be supporting a European Citizens Initiative (ECI) campaigning to ensure that UK and European citizens get to keep their citizenship rights after Brexit.

An ECI is a petition which runs across the European Union. It has the power to push the European Commission to propose a policy to the European Parliament – and previous ECIs have won, for instance the right to water and sanitation across the EU.

However, in order to be successful, we need to gain a million signatures. That is no small task – and it’s up to us to get the job done.

Signing the petition takes 2 minutes, and you can find it here. Share it around, put it up on social media, send it out through email lists.

For more information, check out our briefing here.

You can also visit the campaign’s website here:

22nd May 2017