Our strategy

This strategy was adopted by Another Europe’s members’ conference, which was held on December 14th 2019.



  1. If the Conservatives get a majority, we will fight them from day one – in the streets, in parliament and using all democratic means at our disposal. If they do win, they will do so with a minority of the popular vote, and we will point this out relentlessly. A solid majority would make a 31st January exit from the EU likely, but this will only be the beginning of a much deeper process – of trade deals, erosions to rights and freedoms, and a further slide to the nationalist right.
  2. Our opposition to Brexit goes further than simply opposing the success of the nationalist right. We have not changed our minds about the need for international institutions and movements to take action on climate change, economic justice and human rights – and about membership of the EU providing the best existing terrain for this, for all the flaws of the institutions themselves. 
  3. We therefore support in principle the United Kingdom’s re-entry into the EU, and will campaign for progressive parties to adopt this position. Logistically, this would be easiest if the Tory government could be brought down before the end of the transition period at the end of 2020, after which we are likely to diverge much more in regulatory terms. 
  4. While there might yet be an organic surge of support for re-entry, especially if Brexit goes badly in economic terms, we recognise that it may not be an immediate or obvious priority for many of the people we will eventually need to convince. In the aftermath of defeat in 2016, we took the same view on a second referendum when the demand seemed impossible; by December 2019 it had achieved consensus support across the left and centre of politics. 
  5. Whether or not re-entry gains a critical mass of support, Another Europe has a vital role to play in what is to come. 
  6. On a level of immediate policy-making, we will continue to fight for democracy and accountability in the trade negotiations; against the rise of the far right; and for Britain to maintain and expand the rights, protections and standards previously guaranteed by EU law. 
  7. On a deeper level, we will continue our work in cohering the internationalist left in Britain. We stand for solidarity between people and across borders, and we will seek to use this moment of defeat as a wake up call, a means of uniting the left behind a politics which unequically opposes borders, climate change and right wing nationalism. We will proactively build alliances and links between the British left and the left across the EU. 
  8. We will reach out to the international anti-austerity Left and work more closely with key allies such as Party of European Socialists, International Union of Socialist Youth, the European Left, European Greens, Progressive Caucus in the European Parliament, Labour International, Momentum International, social partners and civil society organisations such as European Anti-Poverty Network, EUTUC and SOLIDAR. 
  9. We will work closely with these natural allies to strengthen existing links and build new networks for a dynamic longer term campaign which recognises the mutual benefits for the wider Left across Europe for the UK to seek re-entry.
  10. The scale of the defensive battle now facing us is hard to overstate. We face perhaps the most right wing government in Britain’s modern history, allied to Donald Trump’s America and actively courting and co-opting the far right. We cannot take anything for granted – basic human rights will be in the crosshairs.
  11. The areas which we will seek to campaign around will include: 


  1. In practice, this will mean

And a standalone proposal: Make Votes Matter

Many people who voted for Brexit did so because they felt ignored and left behind for decades. We recognise that our First Past the Post voting system was an underlying cause of this disillusionment because it allowed millions to see themselves as having no impact on elections, no voice in Parliament, and no influence over how the UK is governed.

Furthermore, First Past the Post is a boon to the eurosceptic right. In 19 of the last 20 general elections, most people have voted for parties to the left of the Conservatives. Yet the Conservatives have been in power for 66% of this time.

Proportional Representation is used throughout Europe and in the world’s most equal and progressive societies. It would give all voters a meaningful stake in our democracy, would make Parliament genuinely responsive to their needs, and would eliminate the possibility of a pro-Brexit parliamentary majority being elected on a minority of the vote.

We support the introduction of Proportional Representation and will support organisations leading parallel campaigns to shift the Labour Party’s policy in this direction. We will actively campaign to democratise the UK as part of a democratised European project.