Confronting Islamophobia
November is Islamophobia Awareness Month. Here are some resources we've put together as part of our ongoing campaign against Islamophobia.
November is Islamophobia Awareness Month. Here are some resources we've put together as part of our ongoing campaign against Islamophobia.
Join us online on Wed 31 July to discuss the political situation with French social movement activists.
The European Parliament elections take place from 6 to 9 June this year, and some European citizens in the UK will be able to vote.
A Power to the People webinar on Thurs 22 Feb 2024 1800 GMT.
It's been a busy year! Here's a round-up of what we've been up to.
We need you to help run our campaigns next year!
Join international activists from Syria to Ukraine to discuss ideas on collective security in Europe and the Middle East and Mediterranean regions.