The Big Tech Threat to Democracy: challenging the oligarchy from Musk to Meta
Register now and join us on Thursday 20 February 2025, 6pm UK time / 19.00 CET
Register now and join us on Thursday 20 February 2025, 6pm UK time / 19.00 CET
Register now for our online conference on Saturday 25 January.
We must act now to stop racism against Muslims. Here are some resources we've put together as part of our ongoing campaign against Islamophobia.
Join us online on Wed 31 July to discuss the political situation with French social movement activists.
Another Europe is Possible NC member Jim Newell on why we're joining the 23 September demo
We call for solidarity and a confluence of social movements domestically and internationally to resist police violence and systemic racism.
Another Europe National Conference 2022
Seema Syeda reports on this year's international gathering of social movement activists.
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Hilary Wainwright on the passing of a celebrated member of the international peace movement.
UK government agrees in principle to demands for cancellation of Ukraine's national debt