Today, Monday March 13th, the House of Commons will vote on two amendments passed by the House of Lords. These amendments would be provide a basic set of guarantees around the rights of European nationals living in the UK, and ensure some aspect of democracy and transparency in the Brexit process.
One amendment would guarantee that, within 3 months of Article 50 being triggered, the government “must bring forward proposals to ensure that [European] citizens […] continue to be treated in the same way with regards to their EU derived-rights and, in the case of residency, their potential to acquire such rights in the future.” This is not perfect, but would mean right to remain for many European nationals.
The other amendment would give parliament a more meaningful vote on the final Brexit deal, potentially moderating the worst aspects of it.
There are 3 things you can do to support the amendments right now:
- Contact your MP – on email, Twitter and phone and urge them to support the two Lords amendments
- Join the emergency demonstration in Parliament Square from 5.30pm tonight to call on the government to guarantee the rights of EU nationals to remain in the UK and demand that people’s lives are not used as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations. Please click attending to the Facebook event here.
- Spread the word: share this post, and share the memes and content on Another Europe’s facebook page
13th March 2017