Another Europe National Conference 2021 Recordings & Report

Another Europe's annual members' conference took place via Zoom on Saturday 4 December 2021.

With the pandemic continuing to claim lives across the globe; a far-right Tory government increasing its attacks on migrants, democracy and fundamental rights; and a supply chain crisis and labour shortages caused by Brexit, 2021 has been a difficult year for everyone. But these challenges also demonstrate why a mass movement of internationalism and solidarity is needed more than ever.

At our conference this year, we set our long term strategy for eventually rejoining the EU. We also discussed short and medium-term tactics to defeat government attacks on migrants, build solidarity across borders to tear down ‘Fortress Europe’, empower the climate movement and platform minoritised groups to fight Transphobia and Islamophobia through intersectional liberation struggles.

Recordings of our conference sessions can be accessed below.

Click here to access links posted in the Zoom chat.

Session 1: Opening Plenary – our future relationship with the EU


Zoe Gardner (Another Europe NC & Head of Policy at JCWI)

Alena Ivanova (Another Europe Campaigns Officer)

Luke Cooper, (Academic & host of the Another Europe Podcast)

Seema Syeda (Chair, Another Europe Comms & Campaigns Officer)

Session 2: Trans Rights & Solidarity Across Borders


Tamsin Omond (Environmental Activist, UK)

Biche de Ville ( Punk-Poet, Belgium)

Cloudy Moroni (Photographer & Activist, Italy)

Session 3: Lessons from the Climate Movements


Dorothy Guerrero (Global Justice Now)

Izzy Warren (UK Student Climate Network)

Zack Polanski (London Assembly Member & Green Party Democracy Spokesperson)

Alena Ivanova (Chair, Another Europe Is Possible)

Session 4: Electoral Reform – Alex Sobel MP in conversation with Laura Parker

Session 4, our voting and debate session, was not recorded. The following proposals were passed, click on the links to read the text of the proposals:

Proposal 1: Our Future Relationship with the EU

Proposal 2: System Change, not Climate Change

Proposal 3: Fighting Islamophobia

Proposal 4: Trans Rights

Constitutional Amendment: Online Elections:

Add new 3.1.5
“The National Conference may be held in-person or online. The decision on whether to hold the conference as an in-person event or as an online event lies with the National Committee.”

Add new bullet point to 3.2.2 and re-number
“In the event that a National Conference takes place online, rather than in-person, all 16 members will be elected by Single Transferable Vote in an online ballot of all members, with 8 seats reserved for self-defining women.”

Session 5: Closing Speeches


Niccolo Milanese (European Alternatives)

Mary Kaldor (LSE, Another Europe NC)

Joseph Healy (Another Europe NC)

19th December 2021