Another Europe is Possible conference is on Saturday 8 December 2018, from 10.30am, at Birkbeck College, London. Final agenda and papers here.
The outcome of the next few months will determine the future of our society for decades to come. The Tories want to ram through a Brexit agenda which will deregulate the economy, end free movement, and pave the way for the trashing of rights and protections.
We have built the beginnings of a serious left anti-Brexit movement. But at this crucial time, it is vital that we come together to take stock, plan our strategy and get ready to escalate our campaign.
Whatever happens between now and March 2019, we will need a movement that isn’t afraid to fight from the left for free movement, and for solidarity between people and across borders. This is your opportunity to be a part of that movement, and to shape its activity.
As well as playing host to great sessions and engaging speakers, this will be a democratic conference. We will decide the structures and strategy for Another Europe is Possible for the coming period – and you can have a full voice and vote in those discussions. Read our proposals here.
>> If you’re already a member, register for the conference here.
2nd November 2018